
Hennala, L., Parjanen, S., Saurio, R., Pekkarinen, S., Laakso, H., & Melkas, H. (2021). Robotit työvälineeksi hyvinvointipalveluissa: innovaatioiden sujuttamisen opas. LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications. Tutkimusraportit - Research Reports No. 122. ISBN 978-952-335-642-9 (PDF, sähköinen julkaisu). Lappeenrannan-Lahden teknillinen yliopisto. Lahti (link)

Turja T, Saurio R, Katila J, Hennala L, Pekkarinen S, Melkas H. Intention to Use Exoskeletons in Geriatric Care Work: Need for Ergonomic and Social Design. Ergonomics in  Design. September 2020. doi:10.1177/1064804620961577

Taipale, S., Turja, T. & Van Aerschot, L. (2020). Robotization of mobile communication. In R. Ling, G. Goggin, L. Fortunati, S. S. Lim & Y. Li (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Mobile Communications. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Turja, T. (2019). Doctoral dissertation (2019) ”Accepting robots as assistants”, Tampere University.

Särkikoski, T., Turja, T., & Parviainen, J. (2020). Robotin hoiviin – Yhteiskuntatieteen ja filosofian näkökulmia palvelurobotiikkaan. Tampere: Vastapaino.

Turja, T., Aaltonen, I., Taipale, S. & Oksanen, A. (2019). Personal values in robot acceptance. Information Management. DOI: 10.1016/

Parviainen, J., Turja, T. & Van Aerschot, L. (2019). Social Robots and Human Touch in Care: The Perceived Usefulness of Robot Assistance among Healthcare Professionals. In Social Robots. An Interdisciplinary Compendium on Technological, Societal and Ethical Aspects. Springer.

Turja, T., Kaakinen, M., Taipale, S. & Oksanen, A. (2019). Care workers’ readiness for robotization: Identifying psychological and socio-demographic determinants. International Journal of Social Robotics. DOI:10.1007/s12369-019-00544-9

Turja, T. & Oksanen, A. (2019). Robot acceptance at work: A multilevel analysis based on 27 EU countries. International Journal of Social Robotics. DOI: 10.1007/s12369-019-00526-x.

Pekkarinen, S., Tuisku, O., Hennala, L., Melkas, H. (2019). Robotics in Finnish welfare services: dynamics in an emerging innovation ecosystem. European Planning Studies. DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2019.1693980

Melkas, H., Hennala, L., Pekkarinen, S. & Kyrki, V. 2020. Impacts of robot implementation on care personnel and clients in elderly-care institutions. International Journal of medical Informatics, 134.

Lehtinen, H. 2017, Application of novel industrial scale robot automation in elderly care. VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. <pdf>

Kyrki, V., Coco, K., Hennala, L., Laitinen, A., Lehto, P., Melkas, H., Niemelä, M. & Pekkarinen, S. 2016. Robotit ja hyvinvointipalvelujen tulevaisuus (ROSE-konsortio). Tilannekuvaraportti 2015. Strateginen tutkimus. Suomen Akatemia.

Pekkarinen, S. & Hennala, L. (2016) Robotiikan haasteista. Finnish Journal of eHealth and eWelfare. Vol 8, No. 2-3, 137-138.

Melkas, H., Hennala, L., Pekkarinen, S., Kyrki, V.  (2016). Human impact assessment of service robot implementation in Finnish elderly care. ICServ2016. The 4th International Conference of Serviceology. Tokyo, Japan, September 6-8, 2016. 

Parviainen, J., van Aerschot, L., Särkikoski, T., Pekkarinen, S., Melkas, H., Hennala, L. (2016). Motions with emotions? A double body perspective and human-robot interaction in elderly care.  in Seibt et al (eds.) What Social Robots Can and Should do. IOS Press. 2016, 210-219.

Pekkarinen, S., and Melkas, H. Welfare state transition in the making: Focus on niche-regime interaction in Finnish elderly care services. Technological Forecasting and Social Change.

Marketta Niemelä, Arto Laitinen, (2016) ”Robotiikka tulee hoivapalveluihin – miten käy vanhusten ihmisarvon?”, Futura-lehti 1/2016

Arto Laitinen, Marketta Niemelä, Jari Pirhonen, (2016) “Social robotics, elderly care, and human dignity: a recognition-theoretical approach”, in Seibt et al (eds.) What Social Robots Can and Should Do. IOS Press. 2016, 155-163.

Arto Laitinen (2016) "Robots and Human Sociality: Normative expectations, the need for recognition, and the social bases of self-esteem." in Seibt et al (eds.) What Social Robots Can and Should do. IOS Press. 2016, 313-322. 

Pirhonen, J. (2016). Geronteknologiasta Gerobotiikkaan? Gerontologia 30(1), 38–40.  

Parviainen, J. & Pirhonen, J. 2017. Vulnerable bodies in human-robot interaction: Embodiment as ethical issue in robot care for the elderly. Transformations, No. 29, Special Issue: Social Robots: Human-machine Configurations. 

Mattia Racca, Joni Pajarinen, Alberto Montebelli, Ville Kyrki, “Learning In-Contact Control Strategies from Demonstration”, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Daejeon, Korea, 2016

Marketta Niemelä, Mari Ylikauppila, Heli Talja, “Long-term use of Paro the therapy robot seal – the caregiver perspective”, In proceedings of Gerontechnology conference 2016, Nice, France

Turja, T., Talja, H., Van Aerschot, L. & Niemelä, M. (2016). Robots as future co-workers in elderly care? Nordic Working Life Conference.

Turja, T., Talja, H., Van Aerschot, L. & Niemelä, M. (2016). Roboteistako tuottavuutta ja työapua hoiva-alalle? F. Shokrollahi Yancheshmeh, K. Chen, J.-K. Kämäräinen. Unsupervised Visual Alignment with Similarity Graphs, In IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2015.

A. Hietanen, J. Lankinen, A.G. Buch, J.-K. Kämäräinen, N. Küger. A Comparison of Feature Detectors and Descriptors for Object Class Matching, In Neurocomputing, volume 184, 2016.

Raij K. Towards a robotic future, in Pan European Networks: Science and Technology 18.2016. B1

Y. Qian, K. Chen, J.-K. Kämäräinen, J. Nikkanen, J. Matas. Deep Structured-Output Regression Learning for Computational Color Constancy (), In 23rd Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2016), 2016. (Rankings: B (ERA 2010), A1 (Qualis 2012))

P. Babahajiani, L. Fan, J.-K. Kämäräinen, M. Gabbouj. Comprehensive Automated 3D Urban Environment Modelling Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning Point Cloud, In IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshop on Large Scale 3D Data, 2016.

Hennala, L., Pekkarinen, S., Melkas, H.:  Asiakkaiden ja henkilöstön suhtautuminen Zora-robotin käyttöön vanhuspalveluissa, Gerontologia2017, 7-9.6.2017, Turku 

Tuisku, O., Pekkarinen, S., Hennala, L., Melkas, H.: Public Discussion on Robotic Innovations in Finnish Elderly Care, ICServ, 12-14.7.2017, Wien 

Pekkarinen, S. Melkas, H. & Hennala, L. Robot as a workmate?  Care workers’ and students’ experiences of the implementation of ‘Zora’ robot in elderly care. Work, 16-18.8.2017, Turku

Niemelä, M. (2017). Robotit ja hyvinvointipalvelujen tulevaisuus. In Book: Leikas, J. (ed.) Hyvä ikääntyminen - Smart Ageing. VTT Research Highlights 2017

Leminen, S., Westerlund, M. & Rajahonka, M. (2017) Innovating with service robots in living labs. The XXVIII ISPIM Innovation Conference, June 18-21, Vienna, Austria

Turja, T., Rantanen, T., Oksanen, A. (2017). Robot use self-efficacy in healthcare work (RUSH): Development and validation of a new measure, AI & Society, DOI: 10.1007/s00146-017-0751-2."

Van Aerschot, Turja & Särkikoski (2017). Roboteista tehokkuutta ja helpotusta hoitotyöhön? Työntekijät empivät, mutta teknologia ei pelota. Yhteiskuntapolitiikka, 82 (6), 630-640.

Van Aerschot, L. & Parviainen, J. (2017) Robots responding to care needs? Analyzing conceptions of care and design motives behind the new generation of care robots. International conference Transforming Care, Milan, Italy

K. Mahkonen, A. Hurmalainen, T. Virtanen, J.-K. Kämäräinen. Cascade processing for speeding up sliding window sparse classification, In European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2016.

K. Chen, J.-K. Kämäräinen, Pedestrian Density Analysis in Public Scenes with Spatio-Temporal Tensor Features, In IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, volume 17, 2016.

K. Chen, Z. Zhang, J.-K. Kämäräinen. Facial Age Estimation Using Robust Label Distribution, In ACM Multimedia Conference (ACMMM), 2016.

K. Chen, J.-K. Kämäräinen. Learning with Ambiguous Label Distribution for Apparent Age Estimation, In Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), 2016.

C. Zhang, P. Wang K. Chen, J.-K. Kämäräinen. Identity-aware Convolutional Neural Networks for Facial Expression Recognition (), In Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2017.

H. Wang, T. Wang, K. Chen, J.-K. Kämäräinen. Cross-granularity graph inference for semantic video object segmentation, In Int. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2017.

A. Hietanen, J. Halme, A. Glent Buch, J. Latokartano, J.-K. Kämäräinen. Robustifying Correspondence Based 3D Object Pose Estimation, In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2017.

K. Chen, K. Jia, Z. Zhang, J.-K. Kämäräinen. Spectral Attribute Learning for Visual Regression, In Pattern Recognition, volume 66, 2017.

P. Babahajiani, L. Fan, J.-K. Kämäräinen, M. Gabbouj. Urban 3D Segmentation and Modelling From Street View Images and LiDAR Point Clouds, In Machine Vision and Applications, 2017.

M. Capecci, M. Geravolo, F Ferracuti, S. Iarlori, V. Kyrki, S. Longhi, L. Romeo, F. Verdini, "Physical rehabilitation exercises assessment based on Hidden Semi-Markov Model by Kinect v2," 2016 IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI), Las Vegas, NV, 2016, pp. 256-259.

Talja, H., Lappalainen, I. & Niemelä, M. (2017) Adopting a logistics robot system in a central hospital - perspectives of different internal stakeholders. In: Book of Abstracts, WORK 2017 - Work and Labour in the Digital Future. Turku, 16-18.8.2017.  

Arja Jolkkonen, Pertti Koistinen, Arja Kurvinen, Liudmila Lipiäinen, Tapio Nummi, Pekka Virtanen (2017) Employment trajectories of the displaced and retained workers after plant downsizings. Work, Employment & Society

Virtanen Pekka, Jolkkonen Arja, Kurvinen Arja, Lipiäinen Liudmila, Nummi Tapio & Koistinen Pertti (2017) Labor market attachment following exit from the workplace prior to and during major downsizings. Acta Sociologica

Arja Jolkkonen, Pertti Koistinen, Arja Kurvinen, Liudmila Lipiäinen, Tapio Nummi & Pekka Virtanen (2017) Time of displacement as a predictor of re-employment: Evidence from Finnish Longitudinal Employee-Employer Data, 1992–2010. Nordic Journal of Workin Life Studies. 

Pertti Koistinen (2017) Palvelurobotit ja työllisyyden tuleva kehitys. Työelämän tutkimus – Arbetslivsforskning 15 (2) – 2017.

Arto Laitinen (2017) “Hegel and Respect for Persons”. The Roots of Respect. A Historic-Philosophical Itinerary, ed. by Giovanni Giorgini and Elena Irrera, Berlin, New York: De Gruyter, 171-186.

Arto Laitinen (2017) “Dewey's Progressive Historicism and the Problem of Determinate Oughts”, Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 31:2, 245-259.

Arto Laitinen (2017) “We-mode Collective Intentionality and its Place in Social Reality” in Gerhard Preyer and Georg Peter eds. Social Ontology and Collective Intentionality. Leiden: Springer. Ch 6, 147-167.

Rantanen T, Lehto P, Vuorinen P& Coco K. 2017. Attitudes towards Care Robots among Finnish Home Care Personal - a comparison of two approaches. Journal of Caring Science. August 2017.

Niemelä, M. van Aerschot, L., Tammela, A. & Aaltonen, I. (2017). A Telepresence Robot in Residential Care: Family Increasingly Present, Personnel Worried about Privacy. International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR2017), 22.-24.11.2017, Tsukuba, Japan.

Racca, M. & Kyrki, V. (2018). Active Robot Learning for Temporal Task models. In Proceedings of the 2018 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI ’18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 123-131.

Racca, M. & Kyrki, V. (2018). Challenges of Transparency for Learning Robots. Explainable Robotic Systems workshop, held in conjunction with the 13th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI), 2018.

Racca M. , Oulasvirta A. and Kyrki V., "Teacher-Aware Active Robot Learning," 2019 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), Daegu, Korea (South), 2019, pp. 335-343.

Veronese A., Racca M., Pieters R. and Kyrki V. "Probabilistic mapping of human visual attention from head pose estimation." Frontiers in Robotics and AI 4 (2017): 53.

Turja, Van Aerschot, Särkikoski & Oksanen (2018). Finnish healthcare professionals’ attitudes toward robots: Reflections on a population sample. Nursing Open, DOI: 10.1002/nop2.138

Savela, Turja & Oksanen (2017). Social Acceptance of Robots in Different Occupational Fields: A Systematic Literature Review.International Journal of Social Robotics.

Turja, Taipale, Kaakinen & Oksanen. Care workers’ readiness for robotization: Identifying psychological and socio-demographic determinants. International Journal of Social Robotics. DOI: 10.1007/s12369-019-00544-9

Turja & Särkikoski (2018): Varastavatko robotit hoivatyöt? Työpoliittinen aikakauskirja 1/18.

Rantanen T., Lehto P., Vuorinen P. & Coco K. 2017. Attitudes towards care robots among Finnish home care personnel – a comparison of two approaches. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. August 2017. DOI 10.1111/scs12508.

Rantanen, T., Lehto, P., Vuorinen, P. and Coco, K. (2018), The Adoption of Care Robots in Home Care – a survey on the attitudes of Finnish home care personnel. J Clinical Nursing doi:10.1111/jocn.14355

Konsti-Laakso,S.,  Pekkarinen, S. and Melkas, H.(2018).  Enhancing public sector innovation: living lab case studies on well-being services in Lahti, Finland. In. Cities and Sustainable Technology Transitions. Leadership, Innovation and Adoption, eds. M.S. van Geenhuizen, J. A Holbrook and M. Taheri, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 339-360.

Tuisku, O., Pekkarinen, S., Hennala, L., and Melkas, H.2019. ’Robots do not replace a nurse with a beating heart’ - The publicity around a robotic innovation in elderly care. Information Technology & People, Vol 32, Issue 1, pp. 47-67.

Savela, N., Turja, T. & Oksanen, A. Robotit työelämässä: systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus ihmisten asenteista eri aloilla työskentelevistä roboteista. Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 1/2019

Turja, T. & Oksanen, A. Robot acceptance at work: A multilevel analysis based on 27 EU countries. International Journal of Social Robotics, 2019, DOI

Latikka, R., Turja, T. & Oksanen, A. (2018). Self-efficacy and acceptance of robots. Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 93, April 2019, Pages 157-163, DOI

Parviainen, J., Turja, T. & Van Aerschot, L. (forthcoming). Robots and human touch in care: Desirable and non-desirable robot assistance. Proceedings of the International Conference of Social Robotics 2018, Springer.

Taipale, S., Turja, T. & Van Aerschot, L. (forthcoming). Robotization of mobile communication. In R. Ling, G. Goggin, L. Fortunati, S. S. Lim & Y. Li (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Mobile Communications. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Turja, T. & Niemelä, M. (2018). Robotin ja hoitajan yhteistyöllä tehokkuutta ja mielekkyyttä hoitotyöhön. Sosiaalipsykologi 2/2018, 12-17.

Parviainen, J. Turja, T. & Van Aerschot, L. (forthcoming) Social robots and human touch in care: The perceived usefulness of robot assistance among healthcare professionals. In Social Robots. An Interdisciplinary Compendium on Technological, Societal and Ethical Aspects, (ed.) Oliver Korn. Dordrecht: Springer.

Laitinen, A (2018) “What Principles for Moral Machines?”, in M. Coeckelbergh J. Loh, M. Funk, J. Seibt, M. Nørskov (eds.). 2018. Envisioning Robots in Society –Power, Politics, and Public Space, Proceedings of Robophilosophy 2018 / TRANSOR 2018, Series; Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 319-326.

Parviainen, J. & Särkikoski, T. (2018) Kinetic values, assistive robotics and smart urban environments. In Envisioning Robots in Society – Power, Politics, and Public Space (Eds.) Mark Coeckelbergh, Janina Loh, Michael Funk, Johanna Seibt and Marco Nørskov. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 199-207.

Parviainen, J., Van Aerschot, L., Särkikoski, T., Pekkarinen, S., Melkas, H. & Hennala, L. (forthcoming) Motions with emotions? A phenomenological approach to understanding the simulated aliveness of a robot body. Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology, the special issue on Robots and emotions, edited by J. Seibt.

Van Aerschot, L. & Parviainen, J. 2018. Seranno i robot a prendersi cura di noi? (Could robots help in meeting increasing care needs?)

Lehto P. & Rantanen T. 2018. Kotihoidon työntekijöiden käsitykset hoivarobotiikan käytöstä ikääntyneen hoidossa. Tutkiva Hoitotyö. digitaalinen versio. Marraskuu 2018.

Leminen S, Westerlund M & Rajahonka M. 2017. Innovating with Service Robots in Health and Welfare Living Labs. International Journal of Innovation Management 21(8).

Lehto P. & Rantanen T. 2017. Robotics in homecare - the development process through a case study. Proceedings. INTED2017. Spain.

Lehto P. 2017. Robots with and for the elderly people – case study based on action research. Proceedings. ICER2017.Spain.

Lehto P. & Porokuokka J. 2018. Designing and implementing a new joint course based on research, service robots and concept development. INTED2018. Proceedings Publications. Spain.

Coco, K., Kangasniemi, M. & Rantanen, T. (2018). Care Personnel's Attitudes and Fears Toward Care Robots in Elderly Care: A Comparison of Data from the Care Personnel in Finland and Japan. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 50 (6)

Lehto, Ainamo, Porokuokka. The Role of Master’s Level Students – Case Robots and Future of Welfare Services, ICER 2018. Sevilla.

Lehto P 2017. Robotics in homecare - the development process through a case study. Virtual presentation. INTED2017.

P. Babahajiani, L. Fan, J.-K. Kämäräinen, M. Gabbouj. Urban 3D Segmentation and Modelling From Street View Images and LiDAR Point Clouds, In Machine Vision and Applications, volume 28, 2017.

A. Hietanen, J. Halme, A. Glent Buch, J. Latokartano, J.-K. Kämäräinen. Robustifying Correspondence Based 6D Object Pose Estimation, In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2017.

H. Wang, T. Wang, K. Chen, J.-K. Kämäräinen. Cross-granularity graph inference for semantic video object segmentation, In Int. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2017.

D. Yang, K. Chen, Y. Qian, E. Berki, J.-K. Kämäräinen. Hierarchical Sliding Slice Regression for Vehicle Viewing Angle Estimation, In IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2017.

R.-J. Halme, M. Lanz, J.-K. Kämäräinen, R. Pieters, J. Latokartano, A. Hietanen. Review of vision-based safety systems for human-robot collaboration, In Procedia CIRP - 51st CIRP Conf. on Manufacturing Systems, 2018.

A. Hietanen, R.-J. Halme, J. Latokartano, R. Pieters, M. Lanz, J.-K. Kämäräinen. Depth-sensor-projector safety model for human-robot collaboration, In IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) Workshop on Robotic Co-workers 4.0, 2018. (YouTube:

S. Pertuz, E. Pulido-Herrera, J.-K. Kämäräinen. Focus model for metric depth estimation in standard plenoptic cameras, In ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, volume 144, 2018.

J. Lundell, F. Verdoja, and V. Kyrki, “Hallucinating robots: Inferring Obstacle Distances from Partial Laser Measurements,” in 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Madrid, Spain, 2018, pp. 4781–4787.

Lundell, Jens, et al. "Safe-To-Explore State Spaces: Ensuring Safe Exploration in Policy Search with Hierarchical Task Optimization," In 2018 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), Beijing, China

Parviainen, J. & Särkikoski, T. (2018) Kinetic values, assistive robotics and smart urban environments. In Envisioning Robots in Society –Power, Politics, and Public Space. Proceedings of Robophilosophy 2018 / TRANSOR 2018, Feb 14–17, 2018, University of Vienna, Austria. (Eds.) M. Coeckelbergh J. Loh, M. Funk, J. Seibt, M. Nørskov. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 199-207.

Rantala, J. (2018). Koodin ja ohjelmiston filosofiasta. niin & näin 1/2018, 101– 108.

Rantala, J. (2016). Sosiaalinen media osana sosiaalityötä. Teoksessa I. Roivainen & S. Ranta-Tyrkkö (toim.) Yhteisöt ja yhteisösosiaalityön lähtökohdat (2016), 86–94.

Rantala, J. (2016). Corps sans Organes – pakosuunnitelma subjektin, velan ja uusliberalismin otteesta? Pro Gradu -tutkielma. Tampereen yliopisto, Tampere.

Rantala, J. (2018b). Lohkoketjuteknologian yhteiskunta – osa II: lohkoketjun rajatut mutta desentralisoidut markkinat. niin & näin 1/2018. Verkossa:

Arto Laitinen, Jari Pirhonen (2018) Ten Forms of Recognition and Misrecognition in Long-Term Care for Older People, Sats (2018), 19:2

Arto Laitinen Arvi Särkelä (2018): Four Conceptions of Social Pathology, European Journal of Social Theory.

Arto Laitinen, Arvi Särkelä (2018) Between Normativism and Naturalism: Honneth on Social Pathology, Constellations.

Smartphone Teleoperation for Self-Balancing Telepresence Robots (A.E. Ainasoja, S. Pertuz, J.-K. Kämäräinen and J. Matas), In Int. Conf. on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), 2019.

Aaltonen, I., Turja, T. & Niemelä, M. (2019). Comparison of Nursing Personnel’s User Experiences of Four Types of Assistive Robots: Challenges Include Knowledge and Safety Issues. In Proc. 12th International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions. ACHI 2019

Niemelä, M., van Aerschot, L., Tammela, A., Aaltonen, I. & Lammi, H. (2019). Towards Ethical Guidelines of Using Telepresence Robots in Residential Care. International Journal of Social Robotics. Published online 22 Feb 2019.

Ehlers, D., Suomalainen, M., Lundell, J., & Kyrki, V. (2018). "Imitating Human Search Strategies for Assembly" in 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Montreal, Canada, 2019

Robotics in Care Services: A Finnish Roadmap

In Finland, as in many other European economies, elderly people prefer to continue their independent living at home as long as possible. To support this trend of “ageing in place” and still preserve the quality of elderly care, robots and other new ICT-technologies will enable innovative help in organizing daily activities.

The public discussion on the use of robots in care is lively. However, the ROSE project (Robots and the future of welfare services) consortium discovered the need of an overview of the opportunities and challenges in the Finnish context, based on available knowledge from Finland and abroad. The purpose of this roadmap is then twofold, to inform the discussion as well as to engage in the debate. More...


Consortium leader

Ville Kyrki

Project manager

Timo Brander